
Posts Tagged ‘Propagation’

Now that Chelsea is over- we can start to prepare plants for going outside. So we started with the Cymbidiums- they all had old leaves and old pseudobulbs removed- then had a plunge in a tepid bath- a good feed and a spray and repotting or dividing. So we now have 16 of those. Then it was Bradleys carnivorous monstrosity- a 5 foot tall pitcher plant. She was repotted and theĀ 2 baby ones removed and potted on. Then it was the turn of the Banana- this had 3 babies- all removed and potted on. We ran out of time to do the other banana- a red leafed variety- now standing at 6 feet tall. The Goddess only knows how or where I am going to put them all when they come back indoors before the frosts return! I definately need a bigger house or at least half a dozen greenhouses. Brightest Blessings.

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